Technical Standards Help

All DOE Technical Standards are available through this site. While it may seem overwhelming, given the number of documents, we have provided a number of ways in which you may get to the information you need.

Navigating the DOE Technical Standards Portal


 Tools for Technical Standards Portal  Tools

The links at the top of the page will take you to the major elements of the site. The toolbar at the right includes links to related resources. In order from the top are links to:

  • RevCom, the online review, comment, and approval system for draft Technical Standards. You can sign in here to review documents.
  • TSP Resources, which contains Resources and Responsibilities for Technical Standards Managers.
  • Technical Standards Tools, useful material for the preparing activities (PAs), TSMs and subject matter experts (SMEs), including how technical standards are processed and collection of templates for document development.
  • References that link users to Directives and NNSA supplemental documents, DOE forms,  and other useful information.
  • Technical standard procedures  procedures to write, revise, or maintain a DOE technical standard. They are also used to convert a DOE technical standard to a non-government standard or to form a topical committee..
  • Reports that are used in the Technical Standards Program.
  • Help where you can find information about searching portal content and review FAQ

Browse Browse by Technical Standards Status (Current, Archives, Draft)

In the Technical Standards section select a collection where you wish to search.

 Search Search

The search box is in the upper right corner anywhere on the site. Use quotation marks and the AND and OR operators to make your search more restrictive.  Use advanced search when you have specific criteria.

 Advanced Search Advanced Search

Click on Advanced Search when you have specifics for your inquiry:

You can narrow or expand your search based on the criteria you select from the options available. You can choose more than one in the selections.

  • Select Document Status collection (current, archive, or draft).
  • Select Organization you which to search
  • Select Document Type
  • Enter text of interest (use AND/OR to combine multiple words)
  • Enter Document title
  • Enter all or part of a document number
  • Enter dates to limit your search to a specific time period
  • Select an office of primary interest (OPI) to find all documents produced by that organization

 Faceted Search Faceted Search

 Faceted search/navigation/browsing (at left of document listing) allows you to set limits on the list that is being displayed. You will be "filtering" the list.

  • Chose one or more of the Document Types (Standard, Handbook, Functional Area Qualification Standard, etc.,)
  • You can select a standard number series. When you choose a series, the list includes only that number series
  • Narrow your list by Issue Date within a specific time period
  • You can narrow your search by choosing one or more Subjects
  • Or you can limit the list to documents produced by a particular office (OPI)

 Email Notification Email Notification

You can subscribe/unsubscribe to email notification about new technical standards, draft technical standards, project justification statements posted to the portal. Follow the steps below to set up your automatic email subscriptions

  • On the Home Page, select Email Alerts (in the News & Updates list at lower left)
  • Enter your name
  • Enter your email address
  • Chose one or all of the three options under Subscribe if you would prefer not to receive notifications any longer select the option that you would like to  Unsubscribe from and submit the form.

 Help Help

If you cannot find what you're looking for, please contact us. We are always open to suggestions on making the portal better and easier to use. If you have ideas, please let us know.

 Help Frequently Asked Questions

What are the types of Technical Standards?

DOE Standards - Provide a specific approach, methodology, technical criteria or other information on accomplishing a task, developing a plan, and/or performing a calculation or assessment to implement a DOE requirement; provide a common shared approach or methodology for implementing a DOE requirement such  that it's implementation is consistent across DOE programs and operations; and can be mandatory via DOE regulatory or contractual requirement.

DOE Handbooks - Provide a compilation of good practices, lessons-learned, or reference information that serve as resources on specific topics; and provide general, textbook-type information on a variety of subjects.

DOE Specifications - Support repetitive acquisitions or products or items; and describe essential technical requirements for purchasing material. 

Why do we need Technical Standards?

DOE Technical Standards are initiated and developed as a means to implementing DOE requirements when a disciplined technical methodology or criteria are needed and appropriate Voluntary Consensus Standard does not exist.

When a Technical Standards in "effect"

DOE Technical Standards are approved by the Preparing Activates senior line management, or in the case of DOE Functional Area Qualification Standards, approved by the DOE Federal Technical Capabilities Program Chair.

How are Technical Standards maintained?

There are several types of maintenance activities that may need to be performed for DOE Technical Standards: new development, revisions to an existing standard, change notices, reaffirmations, and cancellations.

What are the phases for a Technical Standard in RevCom?

Phase 1 - Project Justification (15 business days) 

The author submits the Project Justification Statement for reviewers to consider whether the project should go forward. The review consists of answering a question to indicate one's concurrence with proceeding.

Phase 2 - Review and Comment (90 days total)

The author submits a first draft for review (60 days). TSMs assign SMEs to review the draft and submit comments. The TSM will then compile the comments that represent the organization's position to the author for consideration.

In the second part of Phase 2, the author responds to comments submitted through Headquarters organizations (30 days).

Phase 3 - Response Negotiation (30 days)

There is no comment submission for this phase. The author submits a redline showing changes in response to comments. The comment response report is posted in the References. During this 30-day period the reviewers have an opportunity to review the response to comments and discuss the authors resolution, via email or telephone, of their comments with the author. Users who login see the following:


No RevCom action is necessary at this time.

This is an opportunity for reviewers to see the author's responses to their comments and if warranted, negotiate changes to the response via telephone and email communication, Please contact the PA (PA's name, phone number, and email address are listed).

For an effective Comment/Response Negotiation process, TSMs should assign this activity to SMEs who have commented on the draft.

The Comment Response Report is available in References and the redline is posted as the Entire Document (link above the title when you open the file).

Note: that TSMs are asked to assign SMEs who commented on the draft to review the comment responses. The expectation is that reviewers who wish to discuss the responses will either call or send email to the author to negotiate changes to the responses.

Phase 4 - Concurrence (10 business days)

The author posts a markup showing the changes to the draft in response to reviewer comments and negotiated changes to the author's response. TSMs and SMEs who reviewed the original draft concur or nonconcur with the revised draft.

Note that this is not an opportunity to comment unless the reviewer does not concur with the revised draft and justifies nonconcurrence in the Notes box.

The Entire Document will be the updated redlined version of the draft. References will include a clean copy of the proposed final for publication.

Final Notes:
Participation in all phases of the process helps to ensure that the author receives valuable input from reviewers who will be implementing the proposed standards. The Technical Standards program works best when our authors, TSMs and SMEs participate fully in the RevCom process.

 I've been asked to review a document in RevCom. What is my next step?

Access RevCom at

Hint: You may want to bookmark this page or add it to your favorites in your browser.

  • Choose SME or Reviewer as your RevCom Role.
  • Log in using your email address for the username. You do not need a password. If prompted, select your organization/office/group from the pull down menu available after you log in. All of your comments will be sent to the Technical Standards Manager (TSM) for this organization.
  • Click on a document title in the "Open for Comment" section to begin adding your comments.

Use the Review Documents Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Guide Summary: Documents in RevCom are broken up into sections, then into paragraphs or subsections. Each subsection has an "Add Comment" button at the bottom.

  • Click on "Add Comment" below any section and a text editing box will appear. You can:
    • type comments as text or
    • use the "Copy Text" feature to copy the sub paragraph into the text editing box to make editorial changes.
  • Save each comment by choosing "Save Comment."
  • Click on the "Submit" button in the top left portion of your RevCom screen to enter your submission. Follow the instructions on your RevCom screen.
  • Choose the type of comment (Essential, or Suggested)
  • If you select Essential, your comment addresses issues serious enough to preclude or significantly hamper accomplishing the program mission, complying with laws, rules and regulations or fulfilling contractual obligations and formal commitments. You will be presented with a popup window to provide more  information for Essential comments.

Can I see other organizations' comments?

Yes. Once any organization's Technical Standards Manager (TSM) has submitted the organization's official comments package, those comments are visible for all RevCom users. Choose Reports > Quick or choose the Custom option.

I often have no comments or find the document I've been asked to review is not applicable to my organization. What should I do?

For your participation to be on record, we recommend that

  • SMEs/Reviewers
    • Click the "Submit" button in the top left of your RevCom screen.
    • Choose the "No Comment" option.
  • TSMs
    • Go directly to the document in RevCom and select the following:
  • Submit Comments
  • "No Comments"
  • Confirm your selection

How do I get a user ID and password to access RevCom?

If you are a subject matter expert (SME) or reviewer, you log in to RevCom using your email address. Only TSMs, Alternates, Delegates, and Writers require user IDs and passwords. After your management assigns you as a TSM, you will receive a email with instructions for having your account activated.  You will receive email from Technical Support with instructions for setting your own password. If you are a delegate, the TSM who assigned you to that role will have your username and will send the Technical Support email for setting your password.

How do I assign other reviewers in my organization to review a document in RevCom?

TSMs/Alternates can assign reviewers from their lists of SMEs and delegates.

To create a list of potential reviewers

    • Login to RevCom
    • Choose Accounts>Create Users from your RevCom Menu
    • Choose the reviewer role you are creating (Reviewer or SME or a delegate)
    • Enter a reviewers complete email address (Check your work)
    • Click on "Save and New"
    • Or, for delegates, choose Accounts > Create Users > Delegate, enter requested information and assign a user ID. The system will generate email for setting the password.
    • Start over again to add additional reviewers

To assign reviewers from the list you have created

    • Choose Document>List from your RevCom Menu
    • Choose the document you would like to assign to a reviewer
    • Choose Version>Assign User from your RevCom menu
    • Select all of the reviewers you wish to assign from your list
    • Click on "Assign Users" at the bottom right of your screen
    • Click "Notify" in the "Currently Assigned" column
    • Enter any specific instructions to your reviewers in the provided text box
    • Click on "Notify" at the bottom of the screen to send the notification

Your reviewers will receive an automatic notification with their specific due dates inviting them to participate in the review process. SMEs/Reviewers cannot officially assign other users via RevCom. They can:

    • Contact the local TSM to request another reviewer's assignment
    • Direct other reviewers to this FAQ page

How can I change my RevCom password?

If you have forgotten your password, you will see "Forgot your password?" below where you would enter it. The system will take you to a site where you enter your username and the system sends you an email with instructions for resetting your password.
If you think that your password has been compromised or you wish to change it for any reason, after you have logged in, select the Settings menu and choose Change password, and you will be sent to a page where you will enter the new password twice. The next time you log in, you will have to use the new password.
If you need assistance with setting or changing your password, send a request for assistance to
Click here for Password Complexity Rules.

I need an alternate or backup to serve as coordinator for me at times when I am unavailable. Should I assign a Alternate or delegate?

Alternates are users that have the same capabilities as the TSM. Alternates can assign SMEs, select comments for inclusion, and submit the comment package. Delegates assist TSMs in user assignment and comment coordination. The Delegates work should be reviewed by the TSM. Once reviewed the TSM/Alternate can submit the final comments package.

I need a report with all of the comments from my organization for my supervisor to approve prior to my final submission. Where do I find that?

Once a TSM/Alternate has selected a set of comments for inclusion in the organization's comment package, a "My Organization Comments" is available. This is the ideal report for supervisor approval.

When you are in the document, choose Reports>Quick>My Organization Comments.
You can display the report onscreen or in an Excel file.

Where can I get training on RevCom?

When you have logged in choose Help > RevCom Help to find user guides, short videos, and other training resources.

If you would like one-on-one training, please contact RevCom Technical Support at 505-663-1302, or use the Contact Form to send an email request.

Can contractors submit comments?

Yes, DOE contractors may submit comments via RevCom through their TSM/Alternate. (See TSM listing).

If a standard does not apply to my organization, do we have to submit comments?

No. However, you should register your participation in RevCom by clicking on the "Submit" button in the top left portion of your RevCom screen then choose the "No Comments" option.

How do I get an extension on my due date?

A due date extension is granted only for special or rare circumstances. SMEs/reviewers should contact their local TSMs/Alternates for extensions; TSMs/Alternates should contact the Technical Standards management team using the Contact Form or call RevCom Technical Support at 505-663-1302.

How do I find/Print a comment response report?

In the Document List, select the document in its "Review and Comment" activity (usually under "Review Completed"). In the Reports Menu, select Custom and in the form that follows, select the following options and print the report:

    1. Both
    2. Top Organizations (or the top level organization in your org chain for all accepted comments within your org only)
    3. None
    4. No
    5. Yes
    6. All Paragraphs (or preference)
    7. No (or preference)


Use the email contact form to contact us or call RevCom Technical Support at 505-663-1302

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