FTCP-PSQS-1165-2020, Aviation Safety Program Specific Qualification Standard

The DOE Office of Aviation Management (OAM) developed this PSQS to ensure designated personnel have the competency to perform the duties and responsibilities of an Aviation Manager (AvM) or Aviation Safety Officer (ASO). The content of the PSQS should be referenced and used as appropriate to develop vacancy announcements, crediting plans, interview questions, and other criteria associated with the recruitment, selection, and internal placement of personnel assigned this PSQS. The Performance Competencies (PC) listed in this PSQS are based on the current duties, activities, and functions in the DOE Aviation Program. Additionally, PC requirements are assigned by the participant’s role as AvM or ASO and the type(s) of aviation operations in the DOE element: manned aircraft, unmanned aircraft system (UAS), and/or commercial aviation services (CAS).

FTCP-PSQS-1165-2020-Aviation-Safety-June-2020.pdf -- PDF Document, 1452 KB
  • FAQs/FTCPs
ID: FTCP-PSQS-1165-2020
Type: Functional Area Qualification Standard
Senior Line Manager: Boardman, Karen
Senior Line Manager Org: EA-50
OPI: EA - Enterprise Assessment
Preparing Activity: National Training Center
Status: Current
Approved Date: Jun 23, 2020
Last Update: Jun 23, 2020
DNFSB Interest:
Invoked Standard: No